Taxes and payment

Participation tax:

  • participation without article: 50 RON/person

  • participation with article: 150 RON/article (additional articles are taxed 100 RON per article );

  • graduate (master) and undergraduate students do not pay a participation tax

The payment can be done via bank transfer in the account below:

RO59TREZ436501701X013393 (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare, cod fiscal 3825886)

It is highly recommended that when doing the payment, your transfer description contains:

  1. your full name (e.g., POP Florin)

  2. the short name of the Conference (i.e., Conferinta DPPD UTCN 2022)

  3. the purpose of the payment (e.g., ‘participation with submission’ or ‘participation without submission’).

If you make a payment for multiple participants, please, include all participants' names.

For example:

  1. the description of the bank transfer for one person who also submits 1 (one) paper would be:

POP FLorin Conferinta DSPP UTCN 2022 participation with 1 paper

note: the amount paid in this case would be 150 RON

  1. the description of the bank transfer for one person who also submits 2 (two) papers would be:

POP FLorin Conferinta DSPP UTCN 2022 participation with 2 papers

note: the amount paid in this case would be 200 RON

  1. the description of the bank transfer for two persons who also submit 1 (one) paper would be:

POP Florin and MURESAN George Conferinta DSPP UTCN 2022 participation with 1 paper

note: the amount paid in this case would be: 150 RON

  1. the description of the bank transfer for two persons who participate without paper would be:

POP Florin and MURESAN George Conferinta DSPP UTCN 2022 participation without paper

note: the amount paid in this case would be 100 RON (50 RON per person)