

Specific and non-specific challenges in higher education learning

  • Dorin Stanciu, Ph.D., associate professor, DSPP | UTCN
  • Monica Maier, Ph.D., associate professor, DSPP | UTCN

Date and time

May 7, 2022; 17:00-19:00


The availability of free higher education is one of the major pluses of our society. However, not all students remain engaged in academic studies.

We present some of the reasons for student’s dropping out of school, based on our latest research, which included over 500 students from TUCN and other universities.

There are some profound implications for the managers of higher education institutions, for teachers and staff, for the creators of prevention programmes, and for the students themselves, and even for the parents.

We are proud to share these results for the first time at our Conference, and we are eager to consult our audience with regard to our findings and their implications. We are looking forward to an open and productive talk.

Workshop Agenda

  • 17:00 - ~~17:30 – participants' welcoming and overview of the problem
  • brief break
  • 17:30 - ~~18:00 – prezentation of the research and main findings
  • brief break
  • 18:00 - ~~18:30 – open talks on the implications, potential future studies, and audience’s interventions and related works
  • brief break
  • 18:30 - ~~19:00 – Q&A and farewell

Download the research report from here

Visualize a brief overview here


The workshop will be held exclusively online (only Cisco Webex meeting) due to Cisco Webex’s default settings for the unpaid version, the meeting will last for 30 meetings; after that time, the meeting must be restarted and the participants must enter again in the meeting using the same link.