

The Psychology and Pedagogy Department of Cluj-Napoca of The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

in partnership with Asociația pentru Educație și Formare “TopFormalis” din Oradea

is proud to announce The National Conference with International Participation entitled “Psychopedagogical Theories, Values, and Practices”, 2nd Edition, which will take place on May 7, 2022.


The Conference intends to create a forum for debate for topics regarding the initial and continued teacher training, grounded in theories, best practices, and current research in psychology and learning sciences.

Our intended audience is comprised of teachers (in primary, secondary, and tertiary education, as well as university/higher education), psychopedagogists, social workers, school counsellors, and interested master/graduate and undegraduate students.

Opening speeches:

Prof.univ.dr. Ion Albulescu, “Babeș - Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Department of Education Sciences

  • presented works – Flexible learning (Învățarea flexibilă)

Dr.phil. Oana Mitrea, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Klagenfurt, Austria, Institute of Smart System Technologies

  • presented works - Towards diversity friendly technologies of tomorrow

Opening remarks (link Cisco Webex): https://meetingsemea4.webex.com/meet/monicalauramaier

Main themes

  1. Educational Psychology - from advanced research to innovative practice
  2. Curriculum reform - policies, practices, research
  3. Theories, research, and succseful practices in Education-related areas (Social Sciences, Humanistic Sciences, Theology, Art, Technology)
  4. Inclusive Education in an Open Society
  5. Landmarks for Innovation in Specialty Didactics
  6. Themes proposed by graduate and undergraduate students
  7. Workshop on “Specific and non-specific challenges in higher education and learning”

Book Launch

We are happy to host at our Conference the launching of prof. Valentin Blandu’s newest academic publication entitled “Pedagogia Elevilor cu Dificultati de Invatare Scolara”.

If you are interested in additional details, you can inquire further by contacting Prof. univ. dr. Valentin Cosmin Blandul, Universitatea din Oradea, D.P.P.P.D. at tel/fax: 0040-259-408788 / 0040-259-408148, email: bvali73@yahoo.com.


Selected articles written in English will be published in the Conference Volume and selected articles written in Romanian will be published in the Scientific Periodical “Buletinul Științific - Pedagogie, Psihologie, Metodică” (articles written in Romanian must be accompanied by Abstract and keywords in English).